It's self-evident. Nothing will ever be the same in the office again. It could be the office design, the work atmosphere, or the manner one works. Even business attire, which once consisted of rigid suits and stiff formals, may be replaced by more relaxed types of 'office wear' in the future. Is it possible that office designs will follow suit?
How can you redesign the workplace to ensure that employees who have been working from home for nearly a year return safely and feel at ease? What will be the dominant trends in workstation design during this period of re-entry?
While most office space designers and interior businesses will incorporate social distancing and touch-free gadgets into their overall design strategy, here are some more things that could change.
Open floor layouts may soon be a thing of the past!
An open and integrated floor was all the rage once upon a time. Maybe not any longer. Office design will now be more about "cellularization," and "Cubicles that can be rearranged, places that can be sectored off, and yet used for diverse purposes." People will have safe havens and privacy as a result of this. Add a few well-designed social places for small groups, and you've solved the puzzle of social relationships as well.
Replenish the sense of being in charge.
Giving employees a choice of rooms, settings, and temperatures in the office could be the foundation for them feeling in charge and in control. It instils a desire to arrive at work early and claim a valued seat. They get a rush from accomplishing this, which keeps their productivity high throughout the day. Furthermore, natural light, bright joyful colors, and well-ventilated office architecture will no longer be optional. The goal of redesign will be to improve people's well-being.
Hot-desking will grow popular.
Hot Desking, a pre-COVID-19 fad that was all about catching up, is making a comeback. It will now become a popular element of many offices, driven largely by necessity. Hot Desking is all about ditching the usual 'personal working area' model and instead opening up every seat, allowing employees to choose where they want to sit on a first-come, first-served basis every day. It's a departure from the traditional workplace style with nameplate seats. As a result of the lack of 'ownership' of a single chair or desk, workers are less likely to strive to personalise the area. It goes without saying that hot desk office managers will have to persuade their tenants that their environment is completely safe.
Workspaces where you can do it yourself and be part of a community
People, according to research, enjoy having the ability to change their surroundings. It makes them feel like they've conquered something. As a result, many firms are adjusting to this by creating workplace environments that are appealing, comfortable, and build a feeling of community, with input from the staff.
Designs that can enhances health and well being
Human-centric designs that embrace plants and nature, as well as a shift away from steel and concrete in terms of floors and tables, will triumph. With younger staff, you also have the added responsibility of keeping workplaces up to date and adapting to new technology as they emerge.
You're almost probably ready for a change if you're reading this. When it comes to office fit out, it's all about how your firm will change in the following five years. As a result, your workspace should reflect both the current value of your firm and your flexibility to adapt to future developments.
For the best fit out, make sure that you contact one of the best fit out companies in Dubai.
If you are planning to start your fit out journey, visit: INTERIOR FIT OUT DUBAI
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